Friday, December 9, 2011

Constructive Solid Geometry 3d Modeling in JavaScript and WebGL (csg.js)

Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) is a modeling technique that uses Boolean operations like union and intersection to combine 3D solids. This library implements CSG operations on meshes elegantly and concisely using BSP trees, and is meant to serve as an easily understandable implementation of the algorithm. All edge cases involving overlapping coplanar polygons in both solids are correctly handled.

Evan Wallace, the same guy who brought us that amazing WebGL water simulation is back at it again, this time with a library called csg.js for doing Constructive Solid Geometry modeling in JavaScript.
The models above were created with this code:
var a = CSG.cube();
var b = CSG.sphere({ radius: 1.35, stacks: 12 });
var c = CSG.cylinder({ radius: 0.7, start: new CSG.Vector(-1, 0, 0), end: new CSG.Vector(1, 0, 0) });
var d = CSG.cylinder({ radius: 0.7, start: new CSG.Vector(0, -1, 0), end: new CSG.Vector(0, 1, 0) });
var e = CSG.cylinder({ radius: 0.7, start: new CSG.Vector(0, 0, -1), end: new CSG.Vector(0, 0, 1) }
Pretty impressive, uhm? Be sure to check out the demos. And here's the code on Github.

Source: BadassJS

1 comment:

Mark Gyel said...

Wohh exactly what I was searching for, appreciate it for posting.

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