Saturday, April 21, 2012

Nigerian Dailies now available

Nigerian Dailies has just been published in Ovi/Nokia Store right now. Nigerian Dailies brings fresh news from your favorite Nigerian newspapers to your mobile devices daily. The current release is only for Series 40 Nokia devices. Watch out for a release for other devices in the next few weeks.

Meet Anontune: The New Social Music Platform From Anonymous

In a move sure to attract attention from the music industry, a small group of coders claiming to be part of Anonymous is putting together a social music platform. The rather ambitious goal: Create a service that seamlessly pulls up songs streaming from all around the internet.

The project, called Anontune and still in its infancy, is designed to pull songs from third-party sources like YouTube and let anonymous users put them into playlists and share them — while keeping the service from being shut down by music industry lawsuits.

via Wired

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Infographic: The Timeline - From Zero to a Billion in 17 months of exposure

Here is an infographic that shows the rise and eventual acquisition of Instagram through photos similar to Instagrams, such that the photos speaks for itself. You like?

Monday, April 9, 2012

Infographic: How the App Stores "Really" Stack Up

The infographic below breaks down the "reality" of the native app stores. But I still wonder why the infographic seems to be selling Blackberry to the viewers.