Saturday, June 14, 2008

All work and some play!

It's being quite some time since I've really taken the time out to relax with friends. The last time I did was on Dabar's birthday and he played some dirty pranks on us that day at Wonderland (Abuja). He cajoled us into riding the MOUSE and the PIRATES. God, it was such an unexplanable experience(more gist on this later). Anyway, I went out with a friend last evening to go and try out some peppered cow meat and it was great fun. Ladies are not as dulling as most guys. She adviced me to try to take some time out every now and then to unwind, rather than being on the PC all day. I'm working on that anyway. She's gonna start blogging too, soon. I'd post her URL when she does. The peppered meat kinda helped relieve me off the catarrh I was having. Thanks to you sis, you kinda made my night.

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